Support: +91 9430158822


PIEM (Premier Institute For Engineering & Medical) is an institution under PIEM Educational Services Private Limited. The founder of the company is Dr. Shahanshah Azad. The company is registered under company act 1956 in Jharkhand, India. PIEM Educational Services Private Limited was incorporated on 8th day of September 2022 having Company Identity Number (CIN) is U80301JH2022PTC019312 and company Registration Number is 019312. PIEM is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company and the certificate number is Q-231208001. The trade Name- PIEM has registered on 10th day of September 2024 with Trade Mark No.- 6303874 in Class 41 by Intellectual Property India (India Government).
The registered office of the company is on the 4th Floor, Aamna Complex, Ashok Nagar Main Road, Kadru, Ranchi-834002 (Jharkhand)- India.
Official website-
Contact Numbers- 9430158822/33/44

PIEM has around 25 core members to operate the administration part and around 20 permanent and full time experienced Faculties.
PIEM has found by the vision and toil to be the most premier coaching institute for IIT-JEE (Main & JEE Advanced) and NEET preparations. It helps the young aspirants to make their dreams come true through high quality teaching, technology enabled systems and commitment. PIEM has been pivotal in churning out Doctors and Engineers, who have in turn been instrumental in taking health care as well as engineering industry to unprecedented heights. This exceptional brand in the education arena has moulded ‘knowledge thirsty’ brains to such an extent that people testify them as the ‘best brains’ of the country.
At PIEM, the training is being imparted by the industry professional experts with proven IIT-JEE (Main & JEE Advanced) and NEET training expertise. The curriculum has been defined in a way that takes care of theoretical aspects including the knowledge of conceptualization processes with the origin of basic ideas.
Ever since its inception PIEM has emerged as a benchmark in the arena of ‘Coaching & Guidance’ with its excellent training and guidance for IIT-JEE (Mains & Advanced), NEET, & other Engineering & Medical Entrance Exams across India. Taking the legacy of excellence forward, today, PIEM is a most Organized and Emerging coaching Institute for both ‘Engineering & Medical’ Entrance Exams in Ranchi.